Giving, Stewardship and Mission

Here at Holy Trinity, we are privileged to have a dedicated full time stipendary priest, a beautiful Victorian church, and a church hall that we are able to use for social and community events and share with our neighbouring school.  However, maintaining our premises incurs a significant cost, which we need to cover out of giving and fund raising from members of our community.  We are stewards of the church that has been handed down to use to advance the mission of the church in the world, and like the servants in the parable of the talents, we would like to see the work of God flourish in this parish.  Your donations can help us make this happen.

While we do not directly pay for our vicar or vicarage, we are encouraged to pay a Parish Standard Cost contribution towards the cost of providing ministry across the whole of the Diocese of London.  We believe that being out amongst God's people, on the ground, in every part of London is missionally critical, and therefore want to see every parish in London with a flourishing ministry team that can bring the good news of God's unconditional love and forgiveness to all people, wherever they are.  Here in Northwood, we are conscious that we are living in a relatively affluent area of London, and so have always aspired to contribute over and above the standard Parish Share, so that we can support the ministry of the church on other, less affluent parishes.  We believe that, as Christians, we are called upon to mutually support each other in this way.  Unfortunately, in recent years, our constrained financial circumstances have meant that we have not been able to contribute more than enough to cover our own costs.  We would love to get back to the position of being able to support the ministry of other parishes, and your donations would enable us to do this.

We see giving not as an obligation or requirement but something that we do freely as an act of generosity in response to God's generosity to us in having given us his Son, and as something that expresses the importance we place on Christ in our lives.


Setting up a regular donation via the Parish Giving Scheme allows you to help fund God's work here in this parish and throughout London, and helps us to budget for the future with more confidence, so we would be grateful if you felt able to contribute in this way.

The Parish Giving Scheme also allows you to index link you giving so that it rises automatically with the rate of inflation, which is an easy way for you to make sure that you are continuing to give us the support we need for God's mission here in Northwood and in London.

Even if you are not able to set up a regular giving pattern, we are grateful for any one-off contributions that you can make to help us with the work of God here in this community.