First Communion Course

First Communion Course

First Communion Course

# News

First Communion Course

Preparation for children to receive Holy Communion

Children who are part of the Holy Trinity church family can be admitted to receive Holy Communion after a course of preparation. [NB: This is different to Confirmation, which takes places later in the young person’s spiritual development. Courses for adults and older young people seeking Confirmation are taking place separately. Find out more here.]

Last year we were forced to cancel due to Covid.

We are delighted that we can offer it again this year, although, due to ongoing restrictions, we can only offer it to children in Year 4 at Holy Trinity School who would like to take this step in their Christian journey of faith.

Please do get in touch if you have a child in year 4 at a different school, or if you missed the course last year. We will make sure that everyone who wants to take this step has the opportunity, as soon as safely possible. 

The First Communion course runs for 10 weeks starting on 29 April 2020. It will meet 3.05pm – 4.30pm every Thursday in Holy Trinity’s Godly Play room. [Parents are normally invited to attend each session, which enhances the experience for adults and children alike. We are sorry this is not currently permitted - but we hope to invite you along later in the course!]

In addition to regular church, please note there are three special Services in which the First Communion Group will participate (2 and 23 May, 20 June), before they are admitted to receive Holy Communion on Sunday 11 July at 10am

Please be praying for all the children starting the course at the end of April.

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  Holy Trinity Northwood   ·   Rickmansworth Road, Northwood HA6 2RP       01923 822990

Registered Charity No.  1131724