Animal Blessing Service

Animal Blessing Service

Animal Blessing Service

Sunday 12 September 2032, 12:00
Online, Northwood HA6 2RP

Whether we work with animals, have pets as part of our households, or simply appreciate creatures from afar, we all know that animals are an integral part of our lives. This is why Holy Trinity Northwood is having an Animal Thanksgiving Service.

This is an opportunity to give thanks for them, to ask God’s blessing on each creaturely member of our household and to reflect on our part in caring for our planet and all the animals around us.


Where: Outside in Holy Trinity Northwood Vicarage/Church Hall Garden 

When:  Sunday 11 September at 12pm


Please do bring your animals with you if they are happy to travel (all animals must be tethered or enclosed).

If you are able to bring a camping seat or similar that will be helpful.


Water bowls and limited seating will be provided. Please bring your own chairs, treats and snacks!


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  Holy Trinity Northwood   ·   Rickmansworth Road, Northwood HA6 2RP       01923 822990

Registered Charity No.  1131724