Audio-Visual Project Fundraising

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Holy Trinity successfully introduced online worship services, including some that were live-streamed. This made it possible for us to continue to worship together every week, despite the varying restrictions on meeting in person in church.

We have had to learn quickly, but the experience has taught us:

    • our existing AV equipment needs upgrading

    • there are exciting opportunities for our worship and mission in the future if we install a full livestream system.

As a result, the PCC has approved a proposal to install permanently in the church:

    • a multiscreen AV system

    • an enhanced audio system

    • a live-stream system


The three systems are integral to each other to ensure that the online output and the experience in the church is of high quality, whilst being reasonable straightforward to operate. The installation will provide an enhanced audio-visual and livestream experience for the church and community.

Please see if you are interested in a more detailed specification.


The full cost of the system is expected to be £90,000. A donation from a charitable trust will form a major part of the funding, but we need a further £25,000 to complete the project. If we raise more than this, we will be able to implement phase two of the project, which is to install two additional projectors and screens in the side aisles and replace the ageing radio microphones.


Subject to the approval of the Diocese of London, it is hoped that the system can be installed in Autumn 2021.

How to make a donation

You can donate to the Appeal in one of these ways:

    • online banking (preferred)
      make a payment to account no 00020307 sort code 40-52-40, using “Initials_Surname_AVL” as a reference.
      For Gift Aid, email stating the amount, your name & address, and that you wish Gift Aid to be applied.
    • Online NOW via Churchdesk - simply CLICK HERE
    • cheque or cash
      make cheques payable to Holy Trinity Church Northwood.
      Place donation in a blue Gift Aid envelope (available in church) and complete the details and mark the envelope “AVL”.